The Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health (FMIPH) is one of the best places in Uzbekistan to get medical education. Its mission is to train the next generation of health care workers. FMIPH is a life-changing place to learn for people who want to become healthcare professionals because it focuses on academic achievement, hands-on training, and community service. For seven strong reasons, this piece shows why FMIPH is the best place for people who want to work in public health and medicine. Know More:

A Wide Range of Programs

There are a lot of different undergraduate and graduate studies in medical and public health fields at FMIPH. Students at FMIPH learn a wide range of topics, from epidemiology and biostatistics to health policy and administration. This gives them the information and skills they need to deal with difficult public health problems.


Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health | Fee Structure 2024-25

Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Uzbekistan was set up in 1991 as a medical center at the Fergana State University. Fergana Medical Institute of Public has recognition from the WHO) and NMC.