= ماذا ألمَّ بك؟
- ألمٌ
= وكيف حالك؟
- حالِك
= وقلبك؟
- متقلب يسأل الله الاستقامة
= وروحك ؟
- راحت عني
= والوعد ؟
- قُطع
= والشغف ؟
- سرابٌ كان
= وعقلك ؟
- تائه
= فما الأمر؟
- مُر
= فكيف تعيش؟
- بصبر وقوة
= وكيف لتصبر؟
- بقوله تعالى:"أليس الله بكاف عبده"
= وكيف كفاك؟
- كف عني الأذى وجبر كسوري
= أيجبر؟
- يجبر كأن الكسور لم تكن.. وكأن المحن لم تمر ويبدل مُرّ الحياة حلو ..
Credit Card Processing What is it And How does it Work
Nowadays, it is especially true that most customers prefer to pay via debit and credit cards. So, it’s imperative to understand the concept of credit card processing. Keep reading to know…what credit card processing is? How does it work? And why it is necessary for your business?
Online Gaming Merchant Account Focus on Gaming
Turn expectations into a reality. Online Gaming merchant account provides you with a solution that needs to accommodate diversity. HighRisk Gateways has online gaming payment processing solutions that satisfy global gaming customers.
Hyssop (Gul E Zoofa) 50Gms
At Oils and Herbs, we source only the purest and natural form of dried Herbs. Packed with great care and in the cleanest for ultimate customer satisfaction.