All to know about Louise Jean McCary - daughter of Emma Stone

Louise Jean Mc Cary is known to be born on 13th March 2021. According to this, she is currently 2 years old.

Facts you should know about Louise Jean Mc Cary


  1. The full name is Louise Jean McCary
  2. The nick name is Louise 
  3. Date of birth is 13th march, 2021
  4. Age of Louise Jean Mc Cary is 2 years as of the year 2023
  5. The place of birth of Louise Jean Mc Cary is California in the U.S.A.
  6. Currently she is residing in California, in the U.S.A.
  7. Nationality of Louise Jean Mc Cary is American 
  8. Louise Jean Mc Cary is known as the daughter of Emma Stone and Dave Mc Cary. 
  9. The zodiac sign of Louise Jean Mc Cary is Pisces


About Louise Jean McCary


Louise Jean Mc Cary is known to be born on 13th March 2021. According to this, she is currently 2 years old. She was born in California, in the U.S.A. Basically, Emma Stone, the mother of Louise Jean McCary opened up about the family and stuff back in the year 2018 for the very first time. Emma Stone wanted to start a family and wanted to give birth to kids and raise them for life long. So, we can say now that her dream actually came true. 


Emma Stone said that her perspective on life, about the family, and about the kids has been completely changed these days. Maybe she is growing and getting older. She said she has never taken care of any of the babies to date. In fact, while she was in her teenage days, she never wanted to get married. She never wanted to have kids either. But later on, she said, as she is growing up, she is understanding life. Now she really wants to get married and also wants to have kids. 


This whole conversation took place in an interview back in 2018. 


Furthermore, she said that her teenage days were really very interesting and joyful. There are really so many things that have happened in the past 10 years. In these past 10 years, she learned a lot of the things, there were so many wonderful and joyful moments as well. She said there were both the types of moments, the good moments and not so good as well. 


She added that going into your 30s can be really a life changing game. Because you will not be the same person as you were in your teenage days. Instead, you will have a different set of dreams to be fulfilled. And the dreams you had in your teenage days will be in less priority space. 


Louise Jean McCary does not have any siblings yet, not even they are coming in near future. Louise Jean Mc Cary is the only child of Emma Stone and Dave Mc Cary. 


Here are some more details about Louise Jean Mc Cary that you should know


  1. The grandparents of Louise Jean Mc Cary are Krista Stone, Jeff Stone, Diane Lee Mac Cary, and Gary Lee Mc Cary. 
  2. The father of Louise Jean Mc Cary is Dave Mc Cary 
  3. The mother of Louise Jean Mc Cary is Emma Stone
  4. Louise Jean Mc Cary does not have any siblings yet.
  5. The uncles, as well as aunts of Louise Jean Mc Cary, are Spencer Stone, Molly Mc Cary, Sarah Kerstetter, and Scott Mc Cary.


Louise Jean McCary is a very beautiful and also a jolly child. She is comfortable going and playing with everyone, which makes her even more famous and loving among people. 

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